Security models for contextual based global processing an architecture and overview Conference

Vert, G, Iyengar, SS, Phoha, V. (2009). Security models for contextual based global processing an architecture and overview . 10.1145/1558607.1558668

cited authors

  • Vert, G; Iyengar, SS; Phoha, V



  • In this paper, we introduce a new paradigm for global computation, one in which the context of collected information drives the type of processing and dissemination the information receives as it is dispersed around the world. The creation of this model has necessitated the development of new types of methods for securing contextual information because the internet itself inherently has not have security mechanisms. Security is typically localized at the nodes on the internet that process information. There are multiple models and methods that are under development to provide security for contexts. This paper presents the basics of a model that allows context consumers to determine the level of security contextual information should have. Security levels have a direct correlation with confidence in the integrity of contextual data and thus application of its processing. Copyright © 2009 ACM.

publication date

  • November 9, 2009

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)