Mind the gap: Collecting commonsense data about simple experiences Conference

Weltman, JS, Iyengar, SS, Hegarty, M. (2013). Mind the gap: Collecting commonsense data about simple experiences . 179-189. 10.1145/2449396.2449421

cited authors

  • Weltman, JS; Iyengar, SS; Hegarty, M



  • In natural language, there are many gaps between what is stated and what is understood. Speakers and listeners fill in these gaps, presumably from some life experience, but no one knows how to get this experiential data into a computer. As a first step, we have created a methodology and software interface for collecting commonsense data about simple experiences. This work is intended to form the basis of a new resource for natural language processing. We model experience as a sequence of comic frames, annotated with the changing intentional and physical states of the characters and objects. To create an annotated experience, our software interface guides non-experts in identifying facts about experiences that humans normally take for granted. As part of this process, the system asks questions using the Socratic Method to help users notice difficult-to-articulate commonsense data. A test on ten subjects indicates that non-experts are able to produce high quality experiential data. Copyright © 2013 ACM.

publication date

  • March 19, 2013

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 179

end page

  • 189