AI-NLP Analytics: A thorough Comparative Investigation on India-USA Universities Branding on the Trending Social Media Platform 'Instagram'
Thejas, GS, Kumar, K, Iyengar, SS et al. (2019). AI-NLP Analytics: A thorough Comparative Investigation on India-USA Universities Branding on the Trending Social Media Platform 'Instagram'
. 10.1109/CSITSS47250.2019.9031050
Thejas, GS, Kumar, K, Iyengar, SS et al. (2019). AI-NLP Analytics: A thorough Comparative Investigation on India-USA Universities Branding on the Trending Social Media Platform 'Instagram'
. 10.1109/CSITSS47250.2019.9031050
The branding of the universities through social media has enormous influence among individuals. Social media has prospered through different networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. However, in recent times, Instagram has become popular due to its unique features, which includes posting images, writing description alongside these images, and many more. People can even comment on these posts. The emotions expressed by people through their posts represent their real feelings and can be used for the analysis of public opinion regarding any topic. In our paper, we are applying the concepts of NLP on these textual descriptions and comments to perform a comparative investigation on the branding of the colleges/universities of India and USA. Our method provides a completely innovative way to view social media data. Our analysis can help the colleges/universities of both the country in providing an insight into their recognition among students through Instagram considering that the younger generation is largely influenced by Instagram. It can also help them in their rapid development and future goals.