Economic Impact of Moderate-Vigorous Physical Activity Among Those With and Without Established Cardiovascular Disease: 2012 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Valero-Elizondo, Javier, Salami, Joseph A, Osondu, Chukwuemeka U et al. (2016). Economic Impact of Moderate-Vigorous Physical Activity Among Those With and Without Established Cardiovascular Disease: 2012 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
. 5(9), 10.1161/JAHA.116.003614
Valero-Elizondo, Javier, Salami, Joseph A, Osondu, Chukwuemeka U et al. (2016). Economic Impact of Moderate-Vigorous Physical Activity Among Those With and Without Established Cardiovascular Disease: 2012 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
. 5(9), 10.1161/JAHA.116.003614