A worldview of root traits: the influence of ancestry, growth form, climate and mycorrhizal association on the functional trait variation of fine-root tissues in seed plants
Valverde-Barrantes, Oscar J, Freschet, Gregoire T, Roumet, Catherine et al. (2017). A worldview of root traits: the influence of ancestry, growth form, climate and mycorrhizal association on the functional trait variation of fine-root tissues in seed plants
. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 215(4), 1562-1573. 10.1111/nph.14571
Valverde-Barrantes, Oscar J, Freschet, Gregoire T, Roumet, Catherine et al. (2017). A worldview of root traits: the influence of ancestry, growth form, climate and mycorrhizal association on the functional trait variation of fine-root tissues in seed plants
. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 215(4), 1562-1573. 10.1111/nph.14571
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