Non-native molluscan colonizers on deliberately placed shipwrecks in the Florida Keys, with description of a new species of potentially invasive worm-snail (Gastropoda: Vermetidae)
Bieler, Rudiger, Granados-Cifuentes, Camila, Rawlings, Timothy A et al. (2017). Non-native molluscan colonizers on deliberately placed shipwrecks in the Florida Keys, with description of a new species of potentially invasive worm-snail (Gastropoda: Vermetidae)
. PEERJ, 5 10.7717/peerj.3158
Bieler, Rudiger, Granados-Cifuentes, Camila, Rawlings, Timothy A et al. (2017). Non-native molluscan colonizers on deliberately placed shipwrecks in the Florida Keys, with description of a new species of potentially invasive worm-snail (Gastropoda: Vermetidae)
. PEERJ, 5 10.7717/peerj.3158