Search for Θ+(1540) pentaquark in high-statistics measurement of γp→(K)over-bar0K+n at CLAS -: art. no. 042001
Battaglieri, M, de Vita, R, Kubarovsky, V et al. (2006). Search for Θ+(1540) pentaquark in high-statistics measurement of γp→(K)over-bar0K+n at CLAS -: art. no. 042001
. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 96(4), 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.042001
Battaglieri, M, de Vita, R, Kubarovsky, V et al. (2006). Search for Θ+(1540) pentaquark in high-statistics measurement of γp→(K)over-bar0K+n at CLAS -: art. no. 042001
. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 96(4), 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.042001