Oxime K027: novel low-toxic candidate for the universal reactivator of nerve agent- and pesticide-inhibited acetylcholinesterase
Kuca, Kamil, Musilek, Kamil, Jun, Daniel et al. (2010). Oxime K027: novel low-toxic candidate for the universal reactivator of nerve agent- and pesticide-inhibited acetylcholinesterase
. 25(4), 509-512. 10.3109/14756360903357569
Kuca, Kamil, Musilek, Kamil, Jun, Daniel et al. (2010). Oxime K027: novel low-toxic candidate for the universal reactivator of nerve agent- and pesticide-inhibited acetylcholinesterase
. 25(4), 509-512. 10.3109/14756360903357569