Seasonal fluctuations of extracellular enzyme activities are related to the biogeochemical cycling of C, N and P in a tropical terra-firme forest (vol 163, pg 1, 2023) Other Scholarly Work

Schaap, Karst J, Fuchslueger, Lucia, Quesada, Carlos Alberto et al. (2024). Seasonal fluctuations of extracellular enzyme activities are related to the biogeochemical cycling of C, N and P in a tropical terra-firme forest (vol 163, pg 1, 2023) . BIOGEOCHEMISTRY, 167(6), 889-893. 10.1007/s10533-024-01148-w

Open Access International Collaboration

cited authors

  • Schaap, Karst J; Fuchslueger, Lucia; Quesada, Carlos Alberto; Hofhansl, Florian; Valverde-Barrantes, Oscar; Camargo, Plinio B; Hoosbeek, Marcel R

publication date

  • June 1, 2024

published in


  • Environmental Sciences
  • Environmental Sciences & Ecology
  • Geology
  • Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
  • Life Sciences & Biomedicine
  • Physical Sciences
  • Science & Technology

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)



start page

  • 889

end page

  • 893


  • 167


  • 6