RESISTANCE IS BECOMING NOT POSSIBLE: Philosophical Inquiry and the Challenge of Material Change Book Chapter

Kuntz, AM. (2024). RESISTANCE IS BECOMING NOT POSSIBLE: Philosophical Inquiry and the Challenge of Material Change . 94-109. 10.4324/9781032676067-9

cited authors

  • Kuntz, AM



  • As someone who operates within the field of education, I often witness encouragement for educators to optimistically consider what is possible: to imagine, for example, some more equitable or otherwise more socially just future built from the possible present-in short, inspiring possibilities for a different status quo. I wonder what is being asked (of educators, of ourselves) through such encouragement to dwell upon the possible. Oftentimes, these imaginations articulate as nearly clichéd narratives of possibility: teachers encouraging students to imagine a possible future; community members accusing biased administrators of limiting what is possible for their children; students themselves alternating between a belief in circumventing material possibility (“I can be anything”) and utilizing “what’s possible” as an inevitably limiting barrier (“why even try?, it’s not possible”).

publication date

  • January 1, 2024

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 94

end page

  • 109