Board 391: Supporting and Understanding Undergraduates' Computing Pathways Through the Flit-GAP S-STEM Program Conference

Secules, Stephen, Kumar, Nivedita, Weiss, Mark et al. (2023). Board 391: Supporting and Understanding Undergraduates' Computing Pathways Through the Flit-GAP S-STEM Program . 10.18260/1-2--43105

cited authors

  • Secules, Stephen; Kumar, Nivedita; Weiss, Mark; Georgiopoulos, Michael; Sullivan, Jacqueline; Kali, Maimuna Begum; Bond-Trittipo, Bailey

publication date

  • June 1, 2023


  • 46 Information and Computing Sciences
  • 4608 Human-Centred Computing
  • Stem Cell Research
  • Stem Cell Research - Nonembryonic - Human
  • Stem Cell Research - Nonembryonic - Non-Human

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


  • 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings


  • American Society for Engineering Education