Innovation Strategy, Human Resource Policy, and Firms' Revenue Growth: The Roles of Environmental Uncertainty and Innovation Performance (Publication with Expression of Concern. See vol. 47, pg. 395, 2016)
Oke, Adegoke, Walumbwa, Fred O, Myers, Andrew. (2012). Innovation Strategy, Human Resource Policy, and Firms' Revenue Growth: The Roles of Environmental Uncertainty and Innovation Performance (Publication with Expression of Concern. See vol. 47, pg. 395, 2016)
. DECISION SCIENCES, 43(2), 273-302. 10.1111/j.1540-5915.2011.00350.x
Oke, Adegoke, Walumbwa, Fred O, Myers, Andrew. (2012). Innovation Strategy, Human Resource Policy, and Firms' Revenue Growth: The Roles of Environmental Uncertainty and Innovation Performance (Publication with Expression of Concern. See vol. 47, pg. 395, 2016)
. DECISION SCIENCES, 43(2), 273-302. 10.1111/j.1540-5915.2011.00350.x