Writing an External Letter of Review for Promotion. Other Scholarly Work

Minor, Suzanne, Stumbar, Sarah E, Drowos, Joanna et al. (2023). Writing an External Letter of Review for Promotion. . 7 34. 10.22454/primer.2023.447836

cited authors

  • Minor, Suzanne; Stumbar, Sarah E; Drowos, Joanna; Hartmark-Hill, Jennifer; Hayes, Victoria; Cawse-Lucas, Jeanne; Perumareddi, Parvathi


  • Academic promotion, representing achievement of a level of distinction in one's body of work, is an honorable accomplishment in a faculty member's career. External letters of review written by faculty at higher ranks are a critical component of the promotion portfolio. We discuss key considerations for writing external letters. These considerations can be used to mentor this skill for less experienced letter writers. We also highlight how professional societies can aid faculty in developing and strengthening writing and mentoring capabilities for this vital task.

publication date

  • January 1, 2023

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


  • Electronic-eCollection

start page

  • 34


  • 7