Gang membership, delinquent friends and criminal family members: Determining the connections Article

Kakar, S. (2005). Gang membership, delinquent friends and criminal family members: Determining the connections . 13(1), 41-52.

cited authors

  • Kakar, S


  • Using survey methodology, this study compared type and severity of delinquent acts of gang members with delinquent friends and criminal family members and non-gang members with non-criminal family members and non delinquent friends. Analysis of variance was conducted to examine the differences on measures of differences among the three groups. Gang members with delinquent friends and at least one family member with criminal history were found to have a higher rate of offending during the past year when compared with the other groups. The contribution of family criminality to gang membership and gang activities was also examined. Gang membership was found to independently affect delinquency beyond the effects of having delinquent friends and criminal family members.

publication date

  • September 1, 2005

start page

  • 41

end page

  • 52


  • 13


  • 1