Hand preference trajectories as predictors of language outcomes above and beyond SES: Infant patterns explain more variance than toddler patterns at 5 years of age Preprint

Contino, Kaityn, Campbell, Julie, Marcinowski, Emily et al. Hand preference trajectories as predictors of language outcomes above and beyond SES: Infant patterns explain more variance than toddler patterns at 5 years of age . 10.22541/au.169272181.10010137/v1

cited authors

  • Contino, Kaityn; Campbell, Julie; Marcinowski, Emily; Michel, George; Ramos, Michelle; Coxe, Stefany; Hayes, Timothy; Nelson, Eliza


  • 52 Psychology
  • 5204 Cognitive and Computational Psychology
  • Behavioral and Social Science
  • Clinical Research
  • Pediatric

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