Asymmetric key cryptography Book Chapter

Sniatala, P, Iyengar, SS, Ramani, SK. (2021). Asymmetric key cryptography . 63-65. 10.1007/978-3-030-77764-7_8

cited authors

  • Sniatala, P; Iyengar, SS; Ramani, SK



  • The symmetric key cryptosystems have certain drawbacks which were highlighted in the previous chapter. To overcome the major disadvantage related to the compromise of one key being a potential threat to the whole system as it becomes a single point of failure, the Asymmetric key cryptographic techniques introduce two sets of keys: one that is publicly available and another that is a secret or private key that is retained with the communicating entities. It is considerable complex and expensive compared to symmetric key cryptography.

publication date

  • November 30, 2021

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 63

end page

  • 65