A Self-contained Approach to MEMS MARG Orientation Estimation for Hand Gesture Tracking in Magnetically Distorted Environments Book Chapter

Sonchan, P, Ratchatanantakit, N, O-larnnithipong, N et al. (2023). A Self-contained Approach to MEMS MARG Orientation Estimation for Hand Gesture Tracking in Magnetically Distorted Environments . 14011 LNCS 585-602. 10.1007/978-3-031-35596-7_38

cited authors

  • Sonchan, P; Ratchatanantakit, N; O-larnnithipong, N; Adjouadi, M; Barreto, A


  • There is increasing interest in using low-cost and lightweight Micro Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) modules containing tri-axial accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers for tracking the motion of segments of the human body. We are specifically interested in using these devices, called “Magnetic, Angular-Rate and Gravity” (“MARG”) modules, to develop an instrumented glove, assigning one of these MARG modules to monitor the (absolute) 3-D orientation of each of the proximal and middle phalanges of the fingers of a computer user. This would provide real-time monitoring of the hand gestures of the user, enabling non-vision gesture recognition approaches that do not degrade with line-of-sight disruptions or longer distance from the cameras. However, orientation estimation from low-cost MEMS MARG modules has shown to degrade in areas where the geomagnetic field is distorted by the presence of ferromagnetic objects (which are common in contemporary environments). This paper describes the continued evolution of our algorithm to obtain robust MARG orientation estimates, even in magnetically distorted environments. In particular, the paper describes a new self-contained version of the algorithm, i.e., one requiring no information from external devices, in contrast to the previous versions.

publication date

  • January 1, 2023

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 585

end page

  • 602


  • 14011 LNCS