SHATTER: Control and Defense-Aware Attack Analytics for Activity-Driven Smart Home Systems Preprint

Haque, Nur Imtiazul, Ngouen, Maurice, Rahman, Mohammad Ashiqur et al. (2023). SHATTER: Control and Defense-Aware Attack Analytics for Activity-Driven Smart Home Systems . 10.48550/arxiv.2305.09669

cited authors

  • Haque, Nur Imtiazul; Ngouen, Maurice; Rahman, Mohammad Ashiqur; Uluagac, Selcuk; Njilla, Laurent

publication date

  • April 27, 2023


  • 46 Information and Computing Sciences
  • 4604 Cybersecurity and Privacy
  • 4605 Data Management and Data Science
  • 4606 Distributed Computing and Systems Software
  • 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

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