Driving with roadmaps and dashboards: Using information resources to structure the decision models in service organizations Article

Chorpita, BF, Bernstein, A, Daleiden, EL et al. (2008). Driving with roadmaps and dashboards: Using information resources to structure the decision models in service organizations . ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY IN MENTAL HEALTH AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, 35(1-2), 114-123. 10.1007/s10488-007-0151-x

cited authors

  • Chorpita, BF; Bernstein, A; Daleiden, EL; Weisz, J; Gibbons, R; Glisson, C; Green, EP; Hoagwood, K; Jensen, PS; Kelleher, K; Landsverk, J; Mayberg, S; Miranda, J; Palinkas, L; Schoenwald, S



  • This paper illustrates the application of design principles for tools that structure clinical decision-making. If the effort to implement evidence-based practices in community services organizations is to be effective, attention must be paid to the decision-making context in which such treatments are delivered. Clinical research trials commonly occur in an environment characterized by structured decision making and expert supports. Technology has great potential to serve mental health organizations by supporting these potentially important contextual features of the research environment, through organization and reporting of clinical data into interpretable information to support decisions and anchor decision-making procedures. This article describes one example of a behavioral health reporting system designed to facilitate clinical and administrative use of evidence-based practices. The design processes underlying this system-mapping of decision points and distillation of performance information at the individual, caseload, and organizational levels-can be implemented to support clinical practice in a wide variety of settings. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

publication date

  • March 1, 2008

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 114

end page

  • 123


  • 35


  • 1-2