Creating a new set of devices and multifunctional tools is considered to be the greatest effort in advancing the scientific knowledge and harnessing science to society. Micro- and nanorobots, the important tiny devices, which effectively convert different sources of energy for actuation, sensing, signaling and performing desired set of tasks, represent a fascinating research area. Nanorobots are artificial machines at the nanometer scale that serve as a building block for developing futuristic healthcare devices. Nanorobots for biomedical applications are engineered in a vision to perform surgery, deliver drugs, treatment of various diseases, wound healing etc. Their nano-size potentially allows them to perform the targeted task. The robotic devices can be powered using bio-hybrid system, chemical reactions and physical/biological phenomenon while their locomotion can be fueled by microorganisms as an engine, catalytic chemicals, and external energy (magnetic, ultrasound, light induced). A wide variety of nanorobotic devices and nanomanipulators (which can handle nano-objects) have been developed for biomedical applications. Recent developments in miniaturized design, advanced nanofabrication, and operation in the area of robotics greatly advanced the involvement of micro- and nanobots in the areas such as targeted therapy, precision surgery, clinical diagnosis/imaging and detoxication. In this chapter, the advanced biomedical applications of functional nanorobotic devices have been summarized. For better identifications, the applications of nanorobotics systems have been classified into the four main categories viz. drug delivery, sensing, surgery, and detoxification. Advancements in the mobile nanorobotics systems developed in each category are included for a better understanding. Various actuation mechanisms and energy sources used for the movement of micro- and nanorobots are also discussed in this chapter.