Governmentality, Biopolitics, and Curriculum Theorizing Book Chapter

Burns, JP. (2018). Governmentality, Biopolitics, and Curriculum Theorizing . 25-64. 10.1007/978-3-319-68523-6_2

cited authors

  • Burns, JP



  • This chapter develops an analytical framework for curriculum studies through synoptic analysis of Foucault’s theorization of governmentality and biopolitics. The chapter discusses contemporary coercive accountability discourses as a system of governmentality and concludes with Foucault’s analysis of the development of counter-conduct, which suggests that governmental systems contain spaces in which to contest, subvert, and reconfigure institutional power. The embodiment of counter-conduct in systems of biopolitical governmentality illustrates the subjective struggle noted by Pinar through which academic study contributes to the reconstruction of the self and the social.

publication date

  • January 1, 2018

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 25

end page

  • 64