“Enriching Lives within Sedimentary Geology”: Actionable Recommendations for Making SEPM a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Society for All Sedimentary Geologists Preprint

Fernandes, Anjali, Abeyta, Antoinette, Mahon, Robert et al. “Enriching Lives within Sedimentary Geology”: Actionable Recommendations for Making SEPM a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Society for All Sedimentary Geologists . 10.31223/osf.io/y7v9e

cited authors

  • Fernandes, Anjali; Abeyta, Antoinette; Mahon, Robert; Martindale, Rowan; Bergmann, Kristin; Jackson, Christopher; Present, Theodore; Reano, Darryl; Swanson, Travis; Butler, Kristina



  • 39 Education
  • 3904 Specialist Studies In Education

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