Queering la Familia: A phenomenological study reconceptualizing familial capital for queer latino men Article

Duran, A, Pérez, D. (2017). Queering la Familia: A phenomenological study reconceptualizing familial capital for queer latino men . JOURNAL OF COLLEGE STUDENT DEVELOPMENT, 58(8), 1149-1165. 10.1353/csd.2017.0091

cited authors

  • Duran, A; Pérez, D



  • Using data from the National Study on Latino Male Achievement in Higher Education, we add to the scholarship on queer students of color by exploring how queer Latino men expand on familial capital in college. Specifically, we utilized phenomenology to understand how participants decided whether to disclose their sexual orientation to family. In addition, we explored how students queer familial capital by connecting to peers, faculty, and administrators at higher education institutions. This research illuminates how professionals can support queer Latino men as they navigate issues of family, highlighting the responsibility of staff and faculty.

publication date

  • November 1, 2017

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 1149

end page

  • 1165


  • 58


  • 8