Zig-Zag Wanderer: Towards Adaptive Tracking of Time-Varying Coherent Structures in the Ocean
Kularatne, Dhanushka, Smith, Ryan N, Hsieh, M Ani. (2015). Zig-Zag Wanderer: Towards Adaptive Tracking of Time-Varying Coherent Structures in the Ocean
. 3253-3258. 10.1109/icra.2015.7139647
Kularatne, Dhanushka, Smith, Ryan N, Hsieh, M Ani. (2015). Zig-Zag Wanderer: Towards Adaptive Tracking of Time-Varying Coherent Structures in the Ocean
. 3253-3258. 10.1109/icra.2015.7139647