Design of a Multi-Modal End-Effector and Grasping System: How Integrated Design helped win the Amazon Robotics Challenge Preprint

Wade-McCue, S, Kelly-Boxall, N, McTaggart, M et al. (2017). Design of a Multi-Modal End-Effector and Grasping System: How Integrated Design helped win the Amazon Robotics Challenge . 10.48550/arxiv.1710.01439

cited authors

  • Wade-McCue, S; Kelly-Boxall, N; McTaggart, M; Morrison, D; Tow, AW; Erskine, J; Grinover, R; Gurman, A; Hunn, T; Lee, D; Milan, A; Pham, T; Rallos, G; Razjigaev, A; Rowntree, T; Smith, R; Vijay, K; Zhuang, Z; Lehnert, C; Reid, I; Corke, P; Leitner, J


publication date

  • October 3, 2017


  • 33 Built Environment and Design
  • 3303 Design
  • 46 Information and Computing Sciences

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