On the radius of analyticity of solutions to the cubic Szego equation
Gérard, P, Guo, Y, Titi, ES. (2015). On the radius of analyticity of solutions to the cubic Szego equation
. ANNALES DE L INSTITUT HENRI POINCARE-ANALYSE NON LINEAIRE, 32(1), 97-108. 10.1016/j.anihpc.2013.11.001
Gérard, P, Guo, Y, Titi, ES. (2015). On the radius of analyticity of solutions to the cubic Szego equation
. ANNALES DE L INSTITUT HENRI POINCARE-ANALYSE NON LINEAIRE, 32(1), 97-108. 10.1016/j.anihpc.2013.11.001
This paper is concerned with the cubic Szego equationi {equation presented}, defined on the L2 Hardy space on the one-dimensional torus T, where π : L2(T)→L2+(T) is the Szego projector onto the non-negative frequencies. For analytic initial data, it is shown that the solution remains spatial analytic for all time t ∈(-infin;,∞). In addition, we find a lower bound for the radius of analyticity of the solution. Our method involves energy-like estimates of the special Gevrey class of analytic functions based on the l1 norm of Fourier transforms (the Wiener algebra).