Surveying the distribution and abundance of flying fishes and other epipelagics in the northern Gulf of Mexico using airborne lidar Article

Churnside, James H, Wells, RJ David, Boswell, Kevin M et al. (2016). Surveying the distribution and abundance of flying fishes and other epipelagics in the northern Gulf of Mexico using airborne lidar . BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE, 10.5343/bms.2016.2017

cited authors

  • Churnside, James H; Wells, RJ David; Boswell, Kevin M; Quinlan, John A; Marchbanks, Richard D; McCarty, Brandi J; Sutton, Tracey T


publication date

  • January 1, 2016

published in


  • 31 Biological Sciences
  • 37 Earth Sciences
  • 41 Environmental Sciences

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


  • Bulletin of Marine Science