Insights from BB-MAS -- A Large Dataset for Typing, Gait and Swipes of the Same Person on Desktop, Tablet and Phone Preprint

Belman, Amith K, Wang, Li, Iyengar, SS et al. (2019). Insights from BB-MAS -- A Large Dataset for Typing, Gait and Swipes of the Same Person on Desktop, Tablet and Phone . 10.48550/arxiv.1912.02736

cited authors

  • Belman, Amith K; Wang, Li; Iyengar, SS; Sniatala, Pawel; Wright, Robert; Dora, Robert; Baldwin, Jacob; Jin, Zhanpeng; Phoha, Vir V


publication date

  • November 8, 2019


  • 46 Information and Computing Sciences
  • 4608 Human-Centred Computing
  • Clinical Research

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