Alterations in Endogenous Nitric Oxide Production After Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Lambs With Normal and Increased Pulmonary Blood Flow Article

McMullan, D Michael, Bekker, Janine M, Parry, Andrew J et al. (2000). Alterations in Endogenous Nitric Oxide Production After Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Lambs With Normal and Increased Pulmonary Blood Flow . CIRCULATION, 102(suppl_3), 10.1161/circ.102.suppl_3.iii-172

cited authors

  • McMullan, D Michael; Bekker, Janine M; Parry, Andrew J; Johengen, Michael J; Kon, Alexander; Heidersbach, R Scott; Black, Stephen M; Fineman, Jeffrey R


publication date

  • November 7, 2000

published in


  • 2 Aetiology
  • 2.1 Biological and endogenous factors
  • 32 Biomedical and Clinical Sciences
  • 3201 Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology
  • 3202 Clinical Sciences
  • Cardiovascular
  • Heart Disease
  • Lung
  • Pediatric

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


  • Wolters Kluwer


  • 102


  • suppl_3