Investigation of HBT oscillator noise through 1/f noise and noise upconversion studies Conference

Tutt, MN, Pavlidis, D, Khatibzadeh, A et al. (1992). Investigation of HBT oscillator noise through 1/f noise and noise upconversion studies . 2 727-730.

cited authors

  • Tutt, MN; Pavlidis, D; Khatibzadeh, A; Bayraktaroglu, B


  • It was shown that the L/(f) characteristics of a heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) dielectric resonator oscillator can be approximated by using the HBT's low-frequency noise spectra and the oscillator upconversion factor, K′FM. Experimental studies have been used for this purpose and the measured L(f) ranged from -89 dBc/Hz to -101 dBc/Hz at a 10-kHz offset frequency. It was shown that the upconversion of the low-frequency noise is the primary cause of L(f) in the oscillator and its frequency dependence is directly affected by the low-frequency noise spectrum rather than by K′FM itself. dL(f)/df deviates from the -30-dB/decade rate, expected for upconversion of ideal 1/f noise, due to traps in the device.

publication date

  • December 1, 1992

International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 10

start page

  • 727

end page

  • 730


  • 2