Novel Insights into Young Adults' Perceived Effectiveness of Waterpipe Tobacco-Specific Pictorial Health Warning Labels in Lebanon: Implications for Tobacco Control Policy
Nakkash, Rima, Tleis, Malak, Chehab, Sara et al. (2021). Novel Insights into Young Adults' Perceived Effectiveness of Waterpipe Tobacco-Specific Pictorial Health Warning Labels in Lebanon: Implications for Tobacco Control Policy
. 18(13), 10.3390/ijerph18137189
Nakkash, Rima, Tleis, Malak, Chehab, Sara et al. (2021). Novel Insights into Young Adults' Perceived Effectiveness of Waterpipe Tobacco-Specific Pictorial Health Warning Labels in Lebanon: Implications for Tobacco Control Policy
. 18(13), 10.3390/ijerph18137189