Scholarship Status and Gender Differences in Motivation among U.S. Collegiate Track and Field Athletes
Cremades, J Gualberto, Flournoy, Brandice, Gomez, Carolina B. (2012). Scholarship Status and Gender Differences in Motivation among U.S. Collegiate Track and Field Athletes
. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING, 7(2), 333-344. 10.1260/1747-9541.7.2.333
Cremades, J Gualberto, Flournoy, Brandice, Gomez, Carolina B. (2012). Scholarship Status and Gender Differences in Motivation among U.S. Collegiate Track and Field Athletes
. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE & COACHING, 7(2), 333-344. 10.1260/1747-9541.7.2.333