Event-related coherence and correlogram for analysis of corticomuscular connectivity Conference

Bai, O, Lin, P, Wu, J et al. (2009). Event-related coherence and correlogram for analysis of corticomuscular connectivity . 10.1109/ICCME.2009.4906578

cited authors

  • Bai, O; Lin, P; Wu, J; Chen, X; Fei, DY; Hallett, M



  • Corticomuscular coupling estimated by EEG-EMG coherence may reveal functional cortical driving of peripheral muscular activity. EEG-EMG coherence in the beta band (15-30Hz) has been extensively studied under isometric muscle contraction tasks. We attempted to study the time-course of corticomuscular connectivity under a dynamic target tracking task. A new device was developed for the real-time measurement of dynamic force created by pinching the thumb and index finger. Healthy subjects were asked to track visual targets with the feedback forces. Spectral parameters were explored for reliable estimation of event-related coherence and correlogram for representing corticomuscular connectivity. ©2009 IEEE.

publication date

  • July 23, 2009

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