Effectiveness of CEO Power Bundles and Discretion Context: Unpacking the 'Fuzziness' of the CEO Duality Puzzle
Lewellyn, Krista B, Fainshmidt, Stav. (2017). Effectiveness of CEO Power Bundles and Discretion Context: Unpacking the 'Fuzziness' of the CEO Duality Puzzle
. ORGANIZATION STUDIES, 38(11), 1603-1624. 10.1177/0170840616685364
Lewellyn, Krista B, Fainshmidt, Stav. (2017). Effectiveness of CEO Power Bundles and Discretion Context: Unpacking the 'Fuzziness' of the CEO Duality Puzzle
. ORGANIZATION STUDIES, 38(11), 1603-1624. 10.1177/0170840616685364