Comparing feminist policy in politics and at work in France and Germany: Shared European Union setting, divergent national contexts
Mazur, AG, Zwingel, S. (2003). Comparing feminist policy in politics and at work in France and Germany: Shared European Union setting, divergent national contexts
. 20(3), 365-384. 10.1111/1541-1338.00026
Mazur, AG, Zwingel, S. (2003). Comparing feminist policy in politics and at work in France and Germany: Shared European Union setting, divergent national contexts
. 20(3), 365-384. 10.1111/1541-1338.00026
This essay introduces the seven articles in the symposium. Placing this special issue within the purview of the new field of Feminist Comparative Policy, the analysis shows how the symposium contributes to comparative theories of feminist policy formation in Western postindustrial democracies. It then defines the three subareas of feminist policy covered in the rest of the volume-political representation, equal employment, and reconciliation-explains why the German and French cases were selected for comparative analysis, discusses the importance of the ongoing process of Europeanization for feminist policy in the two countries, and finishes with a presentation of the outline for the seven articles.