Grating-gate tunable plasmon absorption in InP and GaN based HEMTs Conference

Peale, RE, Saxena, H, Buchwald, WR et al. (2009). Grating-gate tunable plasmon absorption in InP and GaN based HEMTs . SMART BIOMEDICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL SENSOR TECHNOLOGY XI, 7467 10.1117/12.826187

cited authors

  • Peale, RE; Saxena, H; Buchwald, WR; Aizin, G; Muravjov, AV; Veksler, DB; Pala, N; Hu, X; Gaska, R; Shur, MS



  • Gate-voltage tunable plasmon resonances in the two dimensional electron gas of high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) fabricated from the InGaAs/InP and AlGaN/GaN materials systems are reported. Gates were in the form of a grating to couple normally incident THz radiation into 2D plasmons. Narrow-band resonant absorption of THz radiation was observed in transmission for both systems in the frequency range 10 - 100 cm-1. The fundamental and harmonic resonances shift toward lower frequencies with negative gate bias. Calculated spectra based on the theory developed for MOSFETs by Schaich, Zheng, and McDonald (1990) agree well with the GaN results, but significant differences for the InGaAs/InP device suggest that modification of the theory may be required for HEMTs in some circumstances. © 2009 SPIE.

publication date

  • November 19, 2009

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


  • 7467