Design of a fault-tolerant job-flow manager for grid environments using standard technologies, job-flow patterns, and a transparent proxy Conference

Dasgupta, G, Ezenwoye, O, Fong, L et al. (2008). Design of a fault-tolerant job-flow manager for grid environments using standard technologies, job-flow patterns, and a transparent proxy . 814-819.

cited authors

  • Dasgupta, G; Ezenwoye, O; Fong, L; Kalayci, S; Sadjadi, SM; Viswanathan, B


  • The execution of job flow applications is a reality today in academic and industrial domains. Current approaches to execution of job flows often follow proprietary solutions on expressing the job flows and do not leverage recurrent job-flow patterns to address faults in Grid computing environments. In this paper, we provide a design solution to development of job-flow managers that uses standard technologies such as BPEL and JSDL to express job flows and employs a two-layer peer-to-peer architecture with interoperable protocols for cross-domain interactions among job-flow mangers. In addition, we identify a number of recurring job-flow patterns and introduce their corresponding fault-tolerant patterns to address runtime faults and exceptions. Finally, to keep the business logic of job flows separate from their fault-tolerant behavior, we use a transparent proxy that intercepts job-flow execution at runtime to handle potential faults using a growing knowledge base that contains the most recently identified job-flow patterns and their corresponding fault-tolerant patterns.

publication date

  • December 1, 2008

start page

  • 814

end page

  • 819