Using phylogenetically-informed annotation (PIA) to search for light-interacting genes in transcriptomes from non-model organisms
Speiser, Daniel I, Pankey, M Sabrina, Zaharoff, Alexander K et al. (2014). Using phylogenetically-informed annotation (PIA) to search for light-interacting genes in transcriptomes from non-model organisms
. BMC BIOINFORMATICS, 15 10.1186/s12859-014-0350-x
Speiser, Daniel I, Pankey, M Sabrina, Zaharoff, Alexander K et al. (2014). Using phylogenetically-informed annotation (PIA) to search for light-interacting genes in transcriptomes from non-model organisms
. BMC BIOINFORMATICS, 15 10.1186/s12859-014-0350-x