The Life Cycle of Academic International Research Teams: Just When You Thought "Virtual" Teams Were All the Rage ... Here Come the AIRTS! Book

Teagarden, MB, Drost, EA, Von Glinow, MA. (2005). The Life Cycle of Academic International Research Teams: Just When You Thought "Virtual" Teams Were All the Rage ... Here Come the AIRTS! . 18 303-336. 10.1016/S0747-7929(05)18012-3

cited authors

  • Teagarden, MB; Drost, EA; Von Glinow, MA


  • The literature on academic international research teams (AIRTs) has drawn conclusions and made recommendations based on cross-sectional "snapshots" of the research team process - observations made prior to the conclusion of the research project. Several large-scale AIRTs have now evolved through a life cycle including result-related publications. We evaluate and extend the literature using a project life cycle perspective, in which each stage exhibits different challenges and opportunities that influence the quality, reliability and validity of the final research output and the overall viability of the knowledge-creation project. We conclude with recommendations for the effective management of AIRTs and, indeed, perhaps all multinational, globally distributed teams engaged in both basic and applied knowledge creation. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

publication date

  • December 1, 2005

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 303

end page

  • 336


  • 18