Tectonic inversion in the Caribbean-South American plate boundary: GPS geodesy, seismology, and tectonics of the Mw 6.7 22 April 1997 Tobago earthquake
Weber, John C, Geirsson, Halldor, Latchman, Joan L et al. (2015). Tectonic inversion in the Caribbean-South American plate boundary: GPS geodesy, seismology, and tectonics of the Mw 6.7 22 April 1997 Tobago earthquake
. TECTONICS, 34(6), 1181-1194. 10.1002/2014TC003665
Weber, John C, Geirsson, Halldor, Latchman, Joan L et al. (2015). Tectonic inversion in the Caribbean-South American plate boundary: GPS geodesy, seismology, and tectonics of the Mw 6.7 22 April 1997 Tobago earthquake
. TECTONICS, 34(6), 1181-1194. 10.1002/2014TC003665