The Nile River basin is one of the transboundary river basins that is in the forefront of water resource challenges of the century. As the basin's population is growing, water demand is increasing. Focus on basin hydrology, climate change, and water management is critically needed. The Blue Nile subbasin is relatively more efficient in generating runoff contributing most of the flow to the Nile compared to the White Nile. This makes flows susceptible to changes in the watershed. The basin's high rate of population growth is putting stress on natural resources including water. In 25 years, the population of the 11 Nile countries is projected to reach 726 million. A 64∈% increase in water demand is projected in the Nile basin countries without factoring increase in per capita water demand. The link between river and watershed is becoming vivid as demand for water and power grows and becomes a source of conflict.