Runoff Estimation and Water Demand Analysis for Holetta River, Awash Subbasin, Ethiopia Using SWAT and CropWat Models
Book Chapter
Tibebe, Mahtsente, Melesse, Assefa M, Zemadim, Birhanu. (2016). Runoff Estimation and Water Demand Analysis for Holetta River, Awash Subbasin, Ethiopia Using SWAT and CropWat Models
. 113-140. 10.1007/978-3-319-18787-7_7
Tibebe, Mahtsente, Melesse, Assefa M, Zemadim, Birhanu. (2016). Runoff Estimation and Water Demand Analysis for Holetta River, Awash Subbasin, Ethiopia Using SWAT and CropWat Models
. 113-140. 10.1007/978-3-319-18787-7_7