Trauvitch, Rhona Graduate Faculty

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  • I teach face-to-face, online, and hybrid courses in multicultural literature, science fiction, narrative theory, and popular culture, among other subjects. I was awarded a Faculty Senate Award for Excellence in Teaching (2018), and a College of Arts, Sciences & Education Award for Teaching (2017). I have contributed chapters to several edited collections, including The Routledge Handbook of Popular Culture and Tourism (2018), Interface between Literature and Science: Cross-disciplinary Approaches to Latin American Texts (2015), Literary Cartographies: Spatiality, Representation, and Narrative (2014), and We Are what We Remember: The American Past Through Commemoration (2012).

research interests

  • I specialize in science fiction and narrative theory, and my research focuses on the intersections of science, storytelling, and myth. I am developing the analytics of quantum narratology, a type of pattern mapping that involves borrowing a scientific framework and applying it in the context of literary criticism.

selected scholarly works & creative activities

principal investigator on

full name

  • Rhona Trauvitch
