
  • Dr. Robinson Reyes-Peña is an Assistant Teaching Professor at Florida International University. His research interests are in retirement system, international finance, and regulatory arbitrage. Dr. Reyes-Peña's work has been published in renowned academic journals including Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Banking & Finance, and Applied Economics. He has also presented his research at multiple venues worldwide including Financial Management Association (FMA), FMA European Conference, FMA Asia/Pacific Conference, European Financial Management Association (EFMA), Midwest Finance Association, Southern Finance Association, Eastern Finance Association, Southwestern Finance Association, Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics, Western Economic Association International, Financial Research Conference, World Finance Conference, Global Finance Association, Multinational Finance Society, among other. Dr. Reyes-Peña has also served in the program committee of several of these conferences and as ad-hoc reviewer for the Journal of Banking & Finance, European Financial Management Journal, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Financial Research Letters, International Review of Economics & Finance, and Managerial Finance. His teaching experience covers presential, remote and online formats and includes courses on Quantitative Methods in Financial Analysis, Financial Management (Core and Intermediate), Commercial Bank Management, Securities Analysis, and Financial Risk Management (Financial Engineering), several of which have received the Quality Matters© certification. His past service activities include the FIU’s Graduate Student Advisory Board and he is currently the faculty advisor of FIU’s College of Business Doctoral Student Association and faculty co-advisor of the FMA Student Chapter at FIU.

    Dr. Reyes-Peña is a Fulbright Scholar with a professional background of more than 10 years in corporate management and international procurement mainly from suppliers in Asia. He has also participated in multiple cultural exchanges including “Hanyu Qiao,” a mandarin proficiency competition.

research interests

  • - International Finance
    - Regulatory Arbitrage
    - Retirement System

selected scholarly works & creative activities

full name

  • Robinson Reyes Pena
