Pearl, Jason Graduate Faculty

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  • My publications include a monograph, Utopian Geographies and the Early English Novel (2014), as well as journal articles, book chapters, and reviews. I also write essays for general audiences. My current book project is entitled Aerial Vistas: The Advent of Flight and the View from Above. For five years, I was book reviews editor at the online journal Digital Defoe. I have won grants and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Huntington Library, the Clark Library, and the National Air and Space Museum, as well as other institutions.

research interests

  • My research interests include British literature in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. My specialization, broadly, is the history of the novel. Thematically, I am interested in utopian literature, travel writing, the history of geography, the early history of aviation, and science and technology.

selected scholarly works & creative activities

full name

  • Jason Pearl


publication subject areas

Citation index-derived subject areas the researcher has published in