Dr. Parhizgari is a leading scholar in the areas of global financial strategies, international finance, investment, corporate finance, and quantitative techniques. His many publications on these topics have already appeared in such referred journals as: Global Finance Journal, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Applied Statistics, The Energy Journal, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, The Review of Research in Banking and Finance, International Finance Journal, Journal of Transnational Management Development, Journal of Managing Service Quality, Management International Review, The Journal of Futures Markets, etc. He is also the author of three books, several articles in referred books, and numerous technical and policy-oriented papers that are mostly disseminated through intergovernmental agencies. He is an active member and a recognized researcher within a dozen of national and international professional organizations. Professor Parhizgari has also extensive consulting experience with research organizations, private and government agencies, and has conducted numerous seminars and management training programs in the Americas. Before joining FIU in 1982, he served for about a decade as a senior economist and/or advisor with private and government agencies in the Washington metropolitan area including: State of Maryland Department of Economic and Community Development, Synergy, Inc., U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the MITRE Corporation.
research interests
Corporate Finance; Financial Reporting Analysis; International Finance