The role of consumers in structuring seagrass communities: Direct and indirect mechanisms
Book Chapter
Nowicki, RJ, Fourqurean, JW, Heithaus, MR. (2018). The role of consumers in structuring seagrass communities: Direct and indirect mechanisms
. 491-540. 10.1007/978-3-319-71354-0_16
Nowicki, RJ, Fourqurean, JW, Heithaus, MR. (2018). The role of consumers in structuring seagrass communities: Direct and indirect mechanisms
. 491-540. 10.1007/978-3-319-71354-0_16
Seagrass ecosystems were traditionally assumed to be structured by competition as well as by "bottom up forces" such as resource availability and disturbance. However, a wealth of new evidence demonstrates that exertion of "top down control" by animals may be widespread. The strength and direction of top down control is context dependent, however, and varies with properties of organisms, the community, and the physical environment. Consumers can facilitate, consume, or destroy primary producers, aid or inhibit seagrass reproduction, or alter bottom up processes with implications for the properties and persistence of seagrass ecosystems. Studies in Australian ecosystems have been critical in helping to elucidate the role of consumers in seagrass ecosystems. Specifically, work investigating the roles of megaherbivores and apex predators and the pioneering of novel experimental approaches which allow for cage-free manipulations of mesograzers have substantially furthered our understanding of top-down control. At the broadest scale, megagrazers are likely to dominate grazing pathways in Australian tropical and subtropical seagrass ecosystems, while macrograzers and mesograzers do so in temperate seagrass ecosystems. However, while we have learned much about mechanisms through which top-down control can operate and its effects on seagrass ecosystems, predicting which grazing pathways dominate at smaller spatial scales, and net herbivore effects on seagrasses in specific ecosystems remains challenging due to context dependence and the highly complex nature of species interactions. Anthropogenic impacts further complicate these relationships. Australian seagrass habitats possess unusual properties, including relatively intact populations of megafauna, remote and pristine locations, and distinctive oceanographic features which allow these habitats to provide unique insights of top down control in seagrass ecosystems.