SE Saline Everglades Transgressive Sedimentation in Response to Historic Acceleration in Sea-Level Rise: A Viable Marker for the Base of the Anthropocene?
Meeder, John F, Parkinson, Randall W. (2018). SE Saline Everglades Transgressive Sedimentation in Response to Historic Acceleration in Sea-Level Rise: A Viable Marker for the Base of the Anthropocene?
. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, 34(2), 490-497. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-17-00031.1
Meeder, John F, Parkinson, Randall W. (2018). SE Saline Everglades Transgressive Sedimentation in Response to Historic Acceleration in Sea-Level Rise: A Viable Marker for the Base of the Anthropocene?
. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, 34(2), 490-497. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-17-00031.1