Wind uplift of concrete roof pavers Conference

Mooneghi, MA, Irwin, P, Chowdhury, AG. (2014). Wind uplift of concrete roof pavers . 1915-1925. 10.1061/9780784413357.169

cited authors

  • Mooneghi, MA; Irwin, P; Chowdhury, AG


  • A large-scale experimental study is presented to investigate the wind loading mechanism on concrete roof pavers on the flat roof of a low rise building. The experiments were performed in Wall of Wind, a large-scale hurricane testing facility at Florida International University. Both wind blow-off tests and pressure measurements on the top and bottom surfaces of the pavers were performed. Attention was focused on accurate investigation of the net pressure distributions and the effect of the pavers' edge-gap/spacer height ratio on the wind performance of roof paving systems. The results showed that increasing the edge-gap to spacer height ratio parameter decreases the net pressures on pavers. Results of the wind blow-off tests are compared with those obtained from pressure measurements.

publication date

  • January 1, 2014

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 13

start page

  • 1915

end page

  • 1925