Intelligent Control Framework for Energy Storage Management on MVDC Ship Power System Conference

Faddel, Samy, El Hariri, Mohamad, Mohammed, Osama. (2018). Intelligent Control Framework for Energy Storage Management on MVDC Ship Power System .

cited authors

  • Faddel, Samy; El Hariri, Mohamad; Mohammed, Osama

sustainable development goals

date/time interval

  • June 12, 2018 -

publication date

  • January 1, 2018


  • Decentralized control
  • Energy storage
  • Engineering
  • Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
  • Fuzzy
  • MVDC
  • Pulsed loads
  • Science & Technology
  • Ship power system
  • Technology


  • Univ Palermo, Palermo, ITALY


  • IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC) / IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (ICPS Europe)


  • IEEE